

statement of the topic
A mayoral election

introduction of panel members and their intitialposition
Mariko(42): a candidate and housewife, her hobby is sewing
Yosaku(42): Marioko's supporter, an elementary school
Atsushi(46): the present mayor of this city and he announce his candidacy
Chihiro(44):Atsushi's supporter and secretary

important points of the discussion as I see it
We should consider what is their policy and how it will be good for our city.

what the outcome was
Atsushi has a career as previous mayor, so we elect him as our city mayor.

my personal opinion
I think both Atsushi and Marioko don't have enough foundation. I can't entrust the important job to someone who don't have any career and knowledge of administration at all. And I can't trust the mayor who lost our money. That's why, I couldn't agree with both candidates.

how effective the discussion was
All of the members state their own opinion and ask some questions activery.

how it could have been better
In this case, we could only chose one from the limited person, so I wanted to think that what is need to make our city better, what is the important thing to be a good mayor.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I agree with you Misato. I think this was not appropriate for a panel discussion. I would have suited a debate better, but discussion and debate are very different things.
