statement of the topic
How will we use the budget?
introduction of panel members and their intitialposition
Mizuho(42): a worker in the town holl
Kyoka(30): a housewife
Reiko(20):a local cuniversity student
Hikari(28):an office woker
Asuka(80):live with her husband
important points of the discussion as I see it
The budget we can use is not so much, so we should use it in the most effective way for our town.
what the outcome was
It is important to get some benefit after useing the budget, that's why we decided to use it to improve transportation.
my personal opinion
I don't care even if we couldn't get money from the project. I think it is good idea that we improve the establishments for children or elderly peoople because it can attracts some people who live in other city.
how effective the discussion was
Each panel members have strong reasons for their own opinion.
how it could have been better
There were too much decision branches, so they should make them more narrow. Moreover, the moderater needed to care about the time management, this time, I felt we didn't enough time to make the outcome.
Good observations Misato. Especially about the moderators mismanagement of time. I think this was a very important point in the stagnation of this discussion at times. Though other citizens thought the discussion had too many silent places, they didn't seem to think the problem was that the moderator wasn't controlling the discussion well.